College ALUMNI

As the momentum surrounding LOCAF continues to grow, the world realizes what faculty, staff, and alumni have always..

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LOCAF gave out more than $21,000 in scholarships

LOCAF Scholarship
"The LeMoyne-Owen College Alumni Foundation (LOCAF) scholarship committee is charged with providing financial support and resources for students enrolled at LeMoyne-Owen College. The application submissions will end by November 16th, 2023.
Below is a link to the electronic application. Students will receive an email upon completion for the next steps.

LOCAF Scholarship
"The LeMoyne-Owen College Alumni Foundation (LOCAF) scholarship committee is charged with providing financial support and resources for students enrolled at LeMoyne-Owen College. In July, we will open up the application process which consists of an online application that can be completed by the student. The application will be open from July 1 - July 15, 2023.
Below is a link to the electronic application. Students will receive an email upon completion for the next steps.